mapoutline Commentary

Washita: A Problem in History & Memory


Please provide your interpretation of Washita!

This form is an effort to collect public opinion and contemporary thoughts on Washita. For those that elect to make their comments public, another component of this website will quote and post selected entries at a future date. Thanks for sharing!

E-mail Address
Date of Birth/Year of Birth (optional, but necessary to make comments public)
Check the box that characterizes language that should be associated with the events of November 27, 1868:
Neither, depends on point of view
Neither, too complex to designate as either "Battle" or "Massacre"

Do you believe the National Park Service should change the name of Washita Battlefield National Historic Site?:
I don't think it's important one way or the other

Please provide comments and opinions on Washita in the space provided. The comments will be collected as a part of this project and may be used to aid research that attempts to understand the history and memory of Washita:
Do you want to make your comments public?